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Libyan glass

Libyan Gold Tektite AKA Libyan Desert Glass is a natural glass composed of nearly pure silica (98 wt %). The formation of this glass, because of its unusual composition has for long been considered as mysterious. I personally have used Libyan Glass for many years, it helps me to be very profitable!  It is a great stone for spiritual work and for group healing.  Aligns the energy centers and removes blocks.  Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun had a Scarab craved from this stone on his breast plate. A very important stone for the new age.


Small is around 1 inch and weighs between 6-8 grams.  $35.00

Libyan Gold Tektite

  • Metaphysical Properties- Increase sales and profits in your business.  Creates good luck, aids learning, especially spiritual pursuits.  Learn your duties in this life time and 'know' what you should do now.  Excellent for bringing people together, increases new ideas and meeting of the minds. Use to balance the nervous system, treatment of tumors and growths.  Activates the Thymus and builds the immune system.


    Numerology- Vibrates to the numbers 4 and 6.


    Gemological Properties-Libyan Desert Glass is a natural glass composed of nearly pure silica (98 wt %). The formation of this glass, because of its unusual composition has for long been considered as mysterious. Chemical analyses show that the glass is locally enriched in meteoritic elements, with typical chondritic proportions. The only explanation for these observations is that Libyan Desert Glass results from a meteorite impact on a silica-rich target.

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