Stellar Ice is a very special form of Calcite which fluoresces in UV light and can be seen in two differing colors; magenta and pink. Magenta symbolizes the divine love that we feel in every part of our being. Pink symbolizes unconditional love or love without attachment.
Stellar Ice will allow you the capacity to change and be changed through the art of being. When we can simply 'be' we gain a sense of true knowing. The knowing of who we truly are, the knowing of our purpose and the knowing that we are loved.
Stellar Ice Calcite-1
Metaphysical Properties- Stellar Ice is a very special form of Calcite which fluoresces in UV light and can be seen in two differing colors; magenta and pink. Magenta symbolizes the divine love that we feel in every part of our being. Pink symbolizes unconditional love or love without attachment. Stellar Ice will allow you the capacity to change and be changed through the art of being. When we can simply 'be' we gain a sense of true knowing. The knowing of who we truly are, the knowing of our purpose and the knowing that we are loved. The Stellar Ice Calcite has a formation of 5 triangular faces which bring with it all of the aspects of the trinity. These include the lower, upper and transpersonal chakras; conscious, subconscious and super conscious; as well as the body, heart and mind.
Numerology- Stellar Ice vibrates to the number 5. 5 is the number of freedom and change. "The freedom to change and be changed".
Gemological Properties- Stellar Ice Calcite is a mineral species from the hexagonal crystal system. The chemical composition is CaCO3. The refractive index is 1.48-1.65 and the specific gravity is 2.70. This stone is fairly soft being only a 3 on the Moe’s Scale of hardness. Calcite is fairly abundant and is found all over the world. However, for this discussion we are referring to the Fluorescent Stellar Ice Calcite from the state of Washington, USA.