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Super Seven Crystal-14

Spectacular Super Seven!  We received recently a new lot of natural cacoxenite points and clusters, beautiful pieces. The below minerals are inclusions inside the Quartz crystal.


Cacoxenite is a brown or golden colormineral that forms as an inclusion in Quartz or Amethyst. It's a rather rare occurrence and makes an spectacular effect on thes tones.


Amethyst: This stone carries the property of healing whichassist in curing the emotional and physical ailments. Thetherapies of Amethyst crystals are mostly helpful in solvingnervous problems, insomnia, nightmare and most importantlybalancing the crown chakra.


Cacoxenite: This stone contains positivity and has the ability to make good even better. It opens spiritual pursuits andempowers the super seven to dispel all sorts of negativity.


Smoky Quartz: This crystal helps you to stay alert, focused and at power with the surrounding. Smoky Quartz is healing andprotective stone which also enhances the quality of becoming a good business man in an individual.


Clear Quartz: This crystal is a powerful healer and known for amplifying and strengthening auras. Quartz crystal helps incontinuity of the flow of energy.


Rutile or Rutilated Quartz: It is the stone which is known tobring optimism, joy and harmony around you. Rutile stonestrengthens love, brings stability in love and relationships,mental balance and growth in spiritual aspirations.


Geothite: It is the stone which helps you making clear cutdecisions and helps in concentrating and focusing the tasksahead. Geothite also balances between the positive and thenegative energies.


Lepidocrocite: Which enhances intellectual ability. The energyof this crystal helps in making contact with the angles and theguides of spirits at the time of meditation. The metaphysicalproperties of this stone align you with the Divine sources andhelps in releasing the fear. It also provides sound thoughts and emotional grounding.


Super Seven has the vibrations of all the seven crystals discussed above. According to Melody's book, "Love is in theEarth, A Kaleidoscope of Crystals"; Cacoxenite Quartz is a"stone of ascension", being used by many during myriad of planetary alignments, world meditations, and during the full and new moons, in order to increase spiritual awareness on alllevels, to transfer healing energy to the Earth, and to provide a loving and ethereal connection between all of the Universe.

Super Seven Crystal-14

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