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Thulite -12

Large 3.5 pounds.  Washington Thulite is a rare and unusual variety of Thulite found in the Tunk Creek area of Okanogan county. It displays three colors; Pink, which is about unconditional love, compassion, giving and receiving love. Green which allows us growth and is very healing. And Black which is grounding. Thulite is helping us to relearn what we have forgotten, teaches us to understand pain and suffering of abuse, mainly of love and how to change it. Learning to love in a more positive way. You could say it is a new beginning in the way you view, feel and relate to love! 

Thulite -12

  • Metaphysical Properties- Thulite is a naturally occurring stone which is also from a metamorphic formation deposit in Eastern Washington State, USA. Thulite, the pink variety of Zoisite, a calcium aluminum silicate, occurs in lenses 3 feet across in a hornblende gneiss. Thulite has been found at other localities, namely Norway, but tends to be more of a rusty reddish color in appearance. This Thulite tends to be a finer mineral than the Norwegian variety, it is not as harsh or coarse either physically or energetically.

    This rare and unusual variety of Thulite displays three colors; Pink which is about unconditional love, self love, receiving and giving love and compassion. Learning to love in a more positive way. Green which about growth and is very healing. And black which is a very grounding energy. (It is very unusual to find this color combination occurring naturally).

    Thulite is helping us to relearn what we have forgotten, teaches us to understand pain and suffering of abuse, mainly of love and how to change it. You could say it is a new beginning in the way you view, feel and relate to love! Thulite helps us to have love and compassion for the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, it is a stone of harmony and compassion bringing community together for the greatest good. It is wonderful for teaching children to love in both mind and spirit. Love and beauty and the capacity to create and express it. 4th ray; harmony through conflict.

    Physically Thulite heals issues dealing with the heart area, heart disease, and lung issues. Benefits asthma and bronchitis in children. It does this through emotional healing, comfort and support.


    Numerology-  Thulite vibrates to the number 5.  The freedom to understand love and compassion while taking it to the next level.


    Gemological Properties- Thulite is a naturally occurring stone which is also from a metamorphic formation deposit in Eastern Washington State, USA. Thulite, the pink variety of Zoisite, a calcium aluminum silicate, occurs in lenses 3 feet across in a hornblende gneiss. Thulite has been found at other localities, namely Norway, but tends to be more of a rusty reddish color in appearance. This Thulite tends to be a finer mineral than the Norwegian variety, it is not as harsh or coarse either physically or energetically. The Hardness is a 6.5.

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