Reiki Information for healing, Reiki Crystals

The Reiki healing information given on this page is not proven by the science of medicine. Reiki should not be used in place of your regular MD visits. If you're suffering a health condition, please visit your physician!
Reiki is an ancient healing art that has been around for thousands of years. In the early 1920's a spiritual man, Mikao Usui rediscovered Reiki while meditating at one of the power sites on Mt. Kurama, near the city of Kyoto. Dr. Usui soon established healing centers in Tokyo where he created the three levels of training. Reiki is a Japanese word. Rei-meaning "higher power" and Ki-meaning "universal life force energy". Therefore, Reiki is "spiritually guided life force energy".
Dr. Mikao Usui
We know that Reiki uses universal energy to heal from the inside out and that it works not only on the physical level, but the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels as well. Reiki heals by directing universal energy to flow through ones body, freeing for restrictions, blockages or negative energy. This allows the life force energy to flow in a healthy, balanced, and natural way.
Reiki is a wonderful healing technique that anyone can learn. Once a person receives first degree attunements, all he or she needs to do, is to place the hands on another person with the intention to heal. The Reiki energy immediately starts to flow and knows exactly where it is needed.
Reiki initiation can be very powerful and may bring transformation into ones life, increasing intuition and enhancing personal growth. First degree involves initiation into the energies of Reiki, powerful attunements, and the basic hand positions on the body. First degree Reiki allows you to heal yourself and others. Second degree provides a deepening of the energies, more attunements, and teachings for mental, emotional ,and distance healing. As well as Karmic healing (healing of past lives). The third degree is the Reiki Master/Teaching level.
With this degree the Reiki Master is able to open the healing channels in others as well as teach this wonderful healing art to others. Reiki is a wonderful gift that allows us to reconnect with ourselves and others in a warm and loving way.
I love to use healing stones along with the sacred healing art of Reiki. I find that gemstones amplify the healing process of this Universal Life Force Energy. Below are a few of my most popular and important stones to use with Reiki and instructions on how to use them with your Reiki Practice.
Before you begin make sure your stones are cleared and programmed for your healing purpose. Clearing is necessary before using any stone for healing. The clearer the energy of a healing stone, the more powerful it is. Crystals and healing gemstones need to be cleared as soon as they are purchased as well as clearing after every healing. A cleared, ready crystal feels positive and bright, tingly and cold to the touch. A crystal that needs clearing may feel hot, heavy or drained. I like to use the smudging method by lighting a sage stick or incense, allow the smoke to become thick and then pass each stone thru the smoke asking your guides/deities to cleanse the stone of any negativity.
After you choose and clear your gemstone or crystal, it is a good idea to dedicate it or program it. The purpose of programming a crystal or gemstone is to focus its abilities on something you specifically need, thereby magnifying the stone's intent through your own. The purpose of dedicating the stone to a high level healing energy or Goddess (God) is to protect it from negative energy. A crystal or stone that is programmed and dedicated in these ways becomes much more powerful and useful as a tool.
This is a very simple process. Hold the crystal or gemstone in your hand and sense its energy. With the stone being newly cleared, the energy will feel stronger and even more appealing that before. As you sense this energy and appreciate it, ask quietly to be connected to the deva of the crystal or gemstone. Though not animate, stones are living things and the deva of the piece is the stone's life-force energy. Once you feel you have sensed what you can from the energy, think of what you will be using the stone for. Think of these uses, then quietly ask the gemstone if it is willing to act in the way you wish. The crystals energy may increase with a yes or seem to disappear with a no. If the stone accepts your intent, state in your mind that it be so. Once a stone is programmed, it will hold its intent until you or someone else reprograms it.
To prevent any negative energy from attaching itself to your crystal you may with to dedicate it. To do this, simply hold the crystal or gemstone in your hand and state clearly in your mind: "Only the most positive high-level energy may work through this healing tool". Focus on your intent for awhile, then end your sensing (meditation) with "SO BE IT". The stone is now dedicated.
You may also choose to dedicate your gemstone or crystal to a specific healing energy, for example, to a Goddess of healing. There are many healing goddesses, including Isis, Yemaya, Diana, and White Buffalo Calf Woman. For stones programmed for protection, Hecate or Kali are strong protection Goddesses.
This method is a self healing method, but you can modify it to use with others in your Reiki practice. Some of my clients like to read the Golden Cloud visualization into a tape recorder to play later. Firstly, I like to cleanse the room I will be working in before hand with Nag Champa or sage. You may wish to say or word or two to your guide(s) or the ask them to be a part of the healing session. Turn off the phone, light a candle if you wish, turn down the lights and add soft music which really sets the mood.
Simply lie down place the stones on your body. I like to use one for each chakra. Hold a quartz crystal in each hand and begin your deep breathing. I like to inhale to the count of three and exhale to the count of three, I find that this puts me into the state of relaxation rather quickly. Once you are relaxed it is time to start your visualization. A good one to try is the Golden Cloud visualization. Simply imagine a beautiful golden cloud of healing energy floating above your head. Watch it as it slowly spins above your head, the color is so inviting and loving that you are starting to feel at peace. Watch this golden cloud as it now envelopes your head, you can feel the warmth of this cloud as it swirls around and through your head. Now it is slowly coming down through your neck and shoulders, you feel an incredible sensation of love from the universe and even more at peace with yourself. The golden loving cloud is now penetrating your heart and solar plexus area, as it engulfs the solar plexus imagine this golden cloud of light healing this center, balancing you, bringing you cleansing and healing, you feel a sense of relief as if a huge weight has been lifted off of you. You bask in the warmth and love of this cloud......Keep watching as it travels even further down your body, it is engulfing your navel area, your root center, see it swirl and float around and through this area, you now feel like you too are floating in a sea of beautiful golden light, how could something feel so good? Now watch the golden cloud as it splits and goes down each thigh, you feel a strength in your legs and knees that was not there before.This warm healing energy of pure love has engulfed your entire being; you feel loved, supported, and one with the universe. How wonderful to feel this way! An overwhelming sense of peace is now with you. Continue to watch the golden cloud as it moves down further through your legs, now let it go out the souls of your feet into the earth. If you feel like giving thanks to the universe for the healing, now is the time to do so. Stay laying down for a few minutes to collect yourself for the day. Now you may remove your stones, be sure to quickly cleanse them with sage smoke,or run them under cool water so they are ready for your next session.
Cho Ku Rei
The first symbol is Cho-KU-Rei (pronounced cho-koo-ray), which is often referred to as the 'power symbol. You will normally use this symbol in every healing session, as frequently as you feel is right. Its effect is to channel far stronger healing energy. Some people may feel attracted to drawing it counter clockwise instead. If you experiment, you will usually find which feels better for you.
Sei He Ki
The second symbol is SEI-HE-KI (pronounced say-hay-kee) and is used in most healings. It is sometimes called the 'emotional symbol' because it specifically addresses the emotional healing process and helps release deeply repressed feelings, quickly and easily. It is usually drawn once at the start of a session, and can be used again when you feel drawn to it at any time during the healing.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced hon-sha-zee-show-nen) "The Distance Symbol" Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is used to send Reiki. You can send Reiki to anyone and anything. It is used to send Reiki over distance and time (such as when using Reiki to heal a past trauma or sending Reiki to a point in the future when you or someone might need it). It is also drawn before sending a distant attunement. You may be guided intuitively to use it in other situations when necessary. If you feel you need to use it but have trouble recalling it exactly, just repeat the name of of the symbol and let Reiki do the rest for you.
Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen. It translates to mean "any action that is taken to diminish suffering of others" and could also be translated to mean 'compassionate action'. When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction, because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logic thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is stated in Buddhist literature, that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna, or wisdom, in order to have the desired effect.
Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send healing energy and guidance to us, but we are not all receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna being sent by the enlightened beings. Thus healing is quickened.
Karuna Reiki opens you to work with the enlightened beings, including those who are physically present, as well as those in spirit. Working consistently with Karuna Reiki energy strengthens awareness and connection to the purest spiritual guidance, such as that coming from Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Kuan yin, St, Germaine, and other Goddesses and Ascended Masters, angels, Devas, and Archangels. Many of us find ourselves more open to the guiding energies of our personal spiritual belief systems. Karuna can teach us to be more open to oneness by enhancing our abilities to receive guidance, and by introducing us to great spiritual masters previously unknown to us in our present lifetime.
From the Reiki Center for Training- To study Karuna Reiki, one must first be a Usui Reiki Master. If you would like to learn more about Reiki and its origins you may contact the Center For Reiki Training at They have over 100 webpages dedicated to Reiki.